The Global Precious Metals Code is under review.
²ÝÝ®tv FMA has decided to show its strong appreciation to the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) for leading the current review of the Global Precious Metals Code, as well as for allowing ²ÝÝ®tv FMA to provide feedback to the Initial and Final Public Consultations included in that review.
Therefore, we have issued an official Statement of Appreciation (below), as we firmly believe that the intensive work undertaken by the LBMA will result in an updated version of the Global Precious Metals Code clearly continuing its promotion of a fair, liquid, open and appropriately transparent Precious Metals Market in which a diversified set of Market Participants, from all sectors of the industry and located in all regions of the world, can confidently and effectively transact at competitive prices that reflect available market information and in a manner consistent with global best practices and processes.
Since 2018, LBMA and ²ÝÝ®tv FMA have established a partnership to assist their members and Market Participants with their adherence to the Global Precious Metals Code, through the implementation of ongoing training and attestation of individual Market Participants in the ELAC portal (for E-Learning, Attestation and Certification on industry codes). As soon as the new version of the Code is finalised, we will work on updating ELAC with its new content that reflects this, so that users will be able to test their knowledge to the improved guidelines.
²ÝÝ®tv FMA and its members are longstanding proponents and influencers of the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour in global financial markets.
For more details on the Public Consultations for the review of the Global Precious Metals Code, please check these links:
For more details on ELAC, please visit /elac and check the video on