²İİ®tv FMA’s initiative that further demonstrates support to the FX Global Code.
As mentioned in our press release of 15th July 2021, ²İİ®tv FMA is extremely pleased with the new version of the FX Global Code published on that day, as we firmly believe the Code continues to represent a very important set of guidelines for ethical and professional behaviour to all professionals in the wholesale FX Market.
In order to further show our continuous support to the work of the Global Foreign Exchange Committee (GFXC) that ensured the new version remains relevant and up to date, ²İİ®tv FMA has decided to issue a Statement of Support of the FX Global Code which was addressed to Guy Debelle, Chair of the GFXC.
Our contribution to the continual evolution of the Code started from its inception and we are proud to share with the financial markets industry, on an ongoing basis, the valuable opinions of our members who are longstanding proponents and influencers of the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct.
We have also issued a Statement of Support to the UK Money Markets Code and we will continue to be strongly supportive of these types of guidelines that are essential to and are definitely helping to create more fair, liquid, open and appropriately transparent markets.
Therefore, ²İİ®tv FMA remains committed to promoting worldwide adherence to these initiatives that aim to implement the adoption of good market practices in the roles of financial market professionals.
To view the ²İİ®tv FMA’s Statements of Support to the FX Global Code and to the UK Money Markets Code, please access the respective sections under the “Industry Codes†section on the following link of our website: