Certificates & Diplomas
²ÝÝ®tv offers a suite of specialised examinations targeting Foreign Exchange, Money Markets, Derivatives, Repos, Risk Management and Conduct for front, middle and back-office staff. All ²ÝÝ®tv examinations are delivered electronically in English (and German in most cases) through our global network of testing centres. Study packs and trainers are available to help you prepare for your exam.
²ÝÝ®tv Certificates
The following programmes are available:
²ÝÝ®tv Dealing Certificate New Version
²ÝÝ®tv Operations Certificate New Version
²ÝÝ®tv FX Global Code Certificate
²ÝÝ®tv Online FX Global Code Certificate
Continuing Professional Development
The following programme is available:
The Exam
Candidates are allowed to take an own hand-held calculator into the exam, provided it is neither text programmable nor capable of displaying graphics with a size greater than 2 lines.
Please find below a list of the Allowed Calculators (most common calculator types that meet the criteria above):
Candidates may ask the Test Centre for a printed ²ÝÝ®tv Formula Sheet. Erasable boards are also available on request.
Successful candidates will receive an email with confirmation of their result immediately after the exam with an electronic copy of their Certificate attached to the email. From exams taken after 14th February 2018 onwards, a formal paper version of the Certificate (including the mention of Pass, Merit and Distinction), can only be produced under specific request made by candidates to ²ÝÝ®tv Head Office at a cost of 50 € per certificate.
A candidate has the right to appeal the result of his or her exam to ²ÝÝ®tv’s Board of Education, within four weeks of sitting the exam.
Appeals may be made by candidates who experience unexpected physical, organisational or technical difficulties at the test centre, or who believe that reasonable doubts exist about an exam question. In the latter case, the candidate must offer a detailed submission about the specific question and topic basket.
The request for an appeal is submitted on ²ÝÝ®tv’s website exclusively by the candidate who failed the exam, and will only be accepted if the candidate makes a detailed statement with supporting reasons for his or her appeal.
Once a decision on his or her appeal is made the candidate cannot submit an appeal for the same examination again.